A matter of Honesty
News published on 03/09/2021

A matter of Honesty
When we started the Violines de Luthier project, and based on all our previous experience in top craftsmanship, we were already aware that in the world of the stringed instruments violins, violas, cellos ... we would find many bad practices.
For this reason we decided to count from the beginning, especially in the professional range, with instruments of the best and most prestigious Luthiers and also with double certification, that of the Luthier himself and also granted by the "Consorzio Liutai Antonio Stradivari by Cremona", which is also registered in the Italian Chamber of Commerce.
With this double certification we wanted to give transparency, security, and confidence to those professionals who acquired a top and valuable instrument.
And time has proved us right. There are many customers who have trusted our proposal, not only for the high quality of our instruments but also for the confidence and assurance that up to the last Euro invested in one of our instruments is worth it, its value is assured and its certification confirms it.
But in all this time the surprise for what we have found has been superior to everything expected, we wouldn't have pages to tell all the bad practices we have seen, the reality far exceeded our forecasts. These are just some of them:
- Chinese instruments of low value sold by reputed luthiers, supposedly built in his workshop and sold at prices that are not worth it.
- Teachers who for a commission are able to advise their students any instrument, sometimes even not valid for their studies, as long as they take a little money.
- "Merchants", street vendors specialized in selling supposedly old instruments, which are really real trinkets, instruments without any value, without guarantees and that soon begin to dismantle or break and of which the "merchant" then does not want to know anything.
- Stores of supposed prestige that do not mind selling cheap copies of instruments made in Poland or Romania with false certificates at the prices of Italian instruments of prestigious luthiers. To put it bluntly, fake violins that are not worth or € 800 sold for more than € 10,000 of the true original.
- Fake labels, fake certifications, copies of violins sold as originals, fake antique violins...
And to this we have to say loud and clear, enough! Enough to scam people !, enough to the lack of honesty and seriousness !.
Understand well, we do not mean that all luthiers are dishonest, of course not, nor that all teachers are, of course not.
In this world there are also very serious professionals who demonstrate with their daily work and their careers, an honesty and an unimpeachable seriousness.
But there are also those who are not.
Nor do we mean that all Chinese instruments are of poor quality. But it is logical to inform the client that he buys an instrument of the true origin of the violin and of the work that luthier has made in the instrument, so the client knows what he buys. Because not rigorously informing, or falsifying information is practically synonymous with cheating or fraud.
If the violin is Chinese, nothing happens, but they must tell you.
For all this, to the future buyers we give you some simple recommendations:
- A basic, nobody gives Euros for cents: be aware if you are offered something very good at a super low price. Nobody sells a good Mercedes at the price of Seat.
- Always ask for guarantees, authenticity, return policy, long term maintenance.
- Go to reliable shops that give you long-term security and service.
- Ask, ask and ask ... for everything, for the origin of the woods, for the work that the luthier made, for the varnishing, for the authenticity of the luthier ... and contrast this information, until you are sure that you are told the truth.
- Avoid street vendors, you may buy cheap, but you will buy a problem, for sure.
- And finally, a lot of attention with the purchase of old instruments, where most of the scams are concentrated. Buy only certified or dually certified old instruments. It will cost you more, but you will know for sure what you are buying.
We hope that all of the above is only worth your help and guidance, but never be discouraged of your passion, hobby or profession.
Count on us, we are always willing to help you.